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Reiki Treatment

Reiki Courses

Balance Your Chi

Reiki is a Japanese healing technique rediscovered  by Dr Mikao Usui over 100 years ago A hands on or off healing, using the life force energy which is within each and every one of us.

Reiki provides stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing throughout the mind body and soul.


This can be used in conjunction with other alternative therapies. It takes into account the whole person and helps activate each client's natural healing processes as well as restoring their physical and emotional well-being.

Home visits and distant Reiki treatments are available.



Reiki Level 1

This Reiki level 1 course is designed for those who are new to Reiki. enabling you to connect with the universal life force energy within you

The focus is on self healing and you will learn the foundation of  the human energy field,


Reiki Level 2

This Reiki level 2 course will deepen your flow of energy, allowing you to use different techniques to channel healing  to others through distant healing.  This enables you to heal clients if you are physically unable to be with them.

You will also have the oppotunity to enhance your practice by completing the Proffesion Reiki Practioner Diploma Course.


Reiki Master

 Reiki levels 1 and 2 certificates will be needed before you have the prospect of achieving a Reiki  Master Teaching course. With this you will be able to initiate others into Reiki.

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